Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Enjoying: Cozy quiet time with the pressure of not having to be anywhere
Watching: Anderson Cooper 360...I love me some Anderson Cooper
Eating: Nothing right now, but I'm contemplating dessert
Feeling: A bit tired
Looking forward to: Medical mission trip to Rwanda in April
Wearing: EWU sweatshirt & hospital scrub pants
Needing: To organize my photos from all my trips
Wanting: To be more content with where God has me in life right now
Missing: My Grandma Snyder
Laughing: At the cute quirks of my dog Sophie
Working on: Christmas shopping online & forming my Christmas/Birthday List
Cooking: Just finished eating baked salmon, potatoes & brussel sprouts
Craving: A great big piece of wedding or birthday cake
Grateful: For amazingly super fun friends, they are so loving
Smiling: Because there are so many fun things to look forward to

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finding Joy

What brings me joy and happiness? I've found myself getting caught up in the meaniningless things of life. Not taking the time to stop & fully look around me & realize the wonderful things God has blessed me with in my life. There is so much goodness in life, it's time to stop focusing on the negative.

~ serving a loving God
~ a pumpkin spice latte (made with real pumpkin) from the Service Station
~ wonderful friends who are supportive & loving at all times
~ small group from church & studying the 40 Days of Love series
~ sweet kisses from Sophie dog

Spokefest 2010 ~ 21 Mile Bike Ride

A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love. ~Mother Teresa

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Little Huckleberry

Being a native Northwest gal, I'm sad to admit that I have never been huckleberry picking before this summer. Well folks...that has all changed now. I've been huckleberry picking twice within one week! I can honestly say that the Northwest is the best place to live! Stay tuned for the yummy creations that come from this bountiful huckleberry picking!

Evidence of a good huckleberry picking

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Sometimes...a cup of coffee just soothes the soul.

Sometimes...cuddling my Sophie dog is all I need.

Sometimes...I wish others would do what is right, instead of what is wrong.

Sometimes...I spend too much time on my iPhone, I think I'm addicted!

Sometimes...Facebook is a blessing, other times it's a curse!

Sometimes...I find myself settling for mediocrity.

Sometimes...my lack of patience is a struggle.

Sometimes...boring is good!

Sometimes...I miss my Grandma's loving words & Godly wisdom.

"Be still and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, hopeful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Along the Hiawatha Trail ~ Idaho/Montana border

Biking the Hiawatha Trail with Marisa

Glathar Family

Fishing with my dad

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Once Upon A Blog...

Once upon a blog, there was a girl named Sarah who started a blog. She had lofty ideas, & was inspired by her dear friend Katie. She enjoyed playing in the world of blogging, but then things changed. Her inspiration & creativity towards her blog didn't last long, and soon the blog was miserable, sad, neglected, & lonely. But then Sarah regained her inspiration & back into the world of blogging she went.

Here I am, back from WAY too long of a break from blogging. Since my last post, I'm definitely in a different place in life. God has led me down a path in life that I never would've seen coming, but then again, isn't that usually how it works.

Many trips have been taken, new friendships have been formed, loved ones have been lost, hearbreak has occured, & life experiences have been had. Writing has always been a great outlet for me, & with life situations that have occured over the past few months, I have needed to write more than ever.

So here I am, venturing back into the world of blogging. Below are just a few pictures from life happenings over the past year.

Little Sarah (Katie's daughter) & I

Eva & I in Decatur Georgia, at Eddie's Attic

Having fun at a Seattle Mariners game with Marisa & Toni

Amy's Baby Shower

Sophie's 5th Barkday

Livin' it up in London England with Katie