Enjoying: Cozy quiet time with the pressure of not having to be anywhere
Watching: Anderson Cooper 360...I love me some Anderson Cooper
Eating: Nothing right now, but I'm contemplating dessert
Feeling: A bit tired
Looking forward to: Medical mission trip to Rwanda in April
Wearing: EWU sweatshirt & hospital scrub pants
Needing: To organize my photos from all my trips
Wanting: To be more content with where God has me in life right now
Missing: My Grandma Snyder
Laughing: At the cute quirks of my dog Sophie
Working on: Christmas shopping online & forming my Christmas/Birthday List
Cooking: Just finished eating baked salmon, potatoes & brussel sprouts
Craving: A great big piece of wedding or birthday cake
Grateful: For amazingly super fun friends, they are so loving
Smiling: Because there are so many fun things to look forward to