Thursday, January 18, 2007


Today I turn 25.
A quarter of a century.
Seems like just yesterday I was only 15, but it also feels like a world ago.
Another year to look forward to what God has in store.

A picture from many birthdays ago. My 2 cousins are trying to blow my candles out for me as my poor little brother is too far away sitting on my dear grandma's lap. Notice the beautiful homemade dress I'm wearing, the Good Ship Lollipop birthday cake and the DuckTales decorations!!!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Congratulations Katie & Mike

Many congratulations to my very wonderful friend Katie, her husband Mike, and big sister little Sarah. Their little baby boy was born on January 10th, 2007 at 11:59am, weighing 8lbs. 1.oz. He is very cute and I can't wait to meet him! Congratulations!

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